Thursday, November 17, 2011


Ego is looked upon as a negative trait of human psychology. Some people confuse Ego with Self Esteem. Out of seven sheaths of human existence, Ego is one of the most powerful viel on our Self (Atma) dominating our personality. In our attempt to find the Truth, as we uncover the different layers covering our Atma, we find it almost indespensable to dis associate with our ego.

A new born child does not have Ego at all, thats why he can not differentiate between Me & the other person. He has a strong feeling of belongingness to all and surrenders to all with full faith. But for a child it is effortless, cause the innocence (lack of Ego) makes him so adorable!!!! As a child grows, he starts to associate himself to his surrounding, the people around, the environment, the tradition, the values, the norms, etc. With this background, he develops a recognition for himself- with name, his character as others perceive him, and much later to his own opinion how he defines himself. So we try to capture our existence in limited dimensions/ qualities as good or bad and label oursleves as superior or inferior/ capable or incapable..... happy or sad.....quiet or talkative, calm or arrogant, kind or mean....Our characteristics get defined with various adjectives we find ourselves either in our own eyes or in others eyes. But in the process we forget, everything is changing, this thought will disappear next moment. So based on those opinions/ judgemental thoughts we develop our personality with which we associate ourselves and can’t imagine ourselves as different entities. Here we are mistaken when we misinterpret our thoughts, our Ego as our identity and whenever our Ego are hurt our action are also directed to pacify our Ego. In the process,, we loose our identity. We simply become someone whose traits are either imposed by the society, our parents, peers, teachers or our heroes we like to follow. There is nothing wrong in following good values and aspire to have all those qualities, but being in our natural self is what is being honest to our true self. Limitations and qualities are to be borne in mind and acceptance with dignity about reality. But know that Real truth is Atma is invincible, immortal, indestructible, inconveivable. It is all positive and does not get affected by any situation or person or event. Rather it does not associate itself with anything. Its complete in itself. Nothing can define it or restrict it into definitions.... it is beyond that. Just like God... as Atma is pure light Divine. Ego makes us the person and we suffer and experience but Atma witness that and helps us to move ahead. The existence of Ego can’t be undermined as it makes our personality, but too much importance to Ego or to totally taking ego as our individuality is misleading and is very disastrous!!!!It is counselled by Gurus that Ego can be dissolved through SEVA (selfless activities) and thats how we can outgrow our ego, rather than letting Ego outgrow us.

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