Thursday, November 17, 2011


Fire is the Vital Life Energy... it keeps us goingThe moment it looses its intensity, we become dull.Similarly, the brighter the fire glows, the stronger impact is on our personality, we become Lions – exhibiting Valour and strength in our thoughts and action.Rightly said, that just keeping the fire burning is not enough, glow out of the fire will only come when grace is there, i.e.when it is lit up with care and the components used in it are selected with care.. just like sandalwood burning will emit sweet essence while burning charcoal would cause pollution, smoke and even coax inhalation.... I liked quoting of my Sister, Sonali, that “looking upwards is not sufficient.. we have to practice a disciplined life to keep the fire burning...and do our karmas...the wood for the fire is our day to day practice, vows and clean and healthy thoughts..”One mistake, will lead to subsequent downfall of Energy levels .... and all the upward shift may deteriorate to downfall.Coming to Chakras, they are the centre point of our energy levels. As we practice daily with purified thoughts with study (swadhyay), Introspection, Contemplation, Yoga (Synchronising Mind, Body and Breath), Sangyam (control of senses), Sadhana like Meditation (Mind at rest) and Karma Yoga with noble action (without being attached to fruits of action)/ Self less action (not meant for our own self interest but for other dropping the Ego of doership) we may succeed in ascending the chakras of higher energy levels and as we reach the top, we will be able to experience Supreme Bliss.However, maintaining equilibrium at the top, is equally challenging, and chances are that we may topple down with a slight shift in controlling our senses. Suppose fire level rises beyond safe point, then Anger may take upon our intellect and with anger comes grief/jealousy which is followed by hatred and loss of interest in life....Inertia/ lack of enthusiasm. Anger dispels all our good karmas with slight intervention. So to maintain our cool, we have to be carefull that the burning fire inside us is under control and is useful rather than destructive. Like if we lit a lamp it dispels darkness and illuminates with light.... this is positive but the same fire may catch onto clothes or flammable things and burn incessantly (without control, beyond bounds) which leads to destruction and terror!!!! So lets all be enlightened with this fire of Knowledge!!!

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