Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fear knocking ?

My friend Ayu R. Amalia wrote:

Fear is knocking on my window
when my spirit is low
It’s making an exquisite show
of how my life may turn to be a flop show.

My mind is freezing
my limbs are numb
My heart is racing
It feels paralyzing.

I don’t like the feeling
when fear makes me bow down
because I’m not a weakling.
The alarm in me is going ring ding ding

the charm is broken
when the words are spoken
“Fear, I’m going to be open.
I have an option
to turn the situation.
We shall see who is the master of this person.”

In reply i wrote:

Fear knocking at yr window
when yr spirit is low?
No no I think its too beware
to knock at yr door
Just peeping thru yr window
not yet ready to give a blow
For u r being protected
safe and sound
with ample courage
Knowledge profound!

Your little mind is freezing
with limbs numb & heart racing!!!!
Aha ………. sheer paralyzing
Thought it is!!!!
Let it come and Go!

Its only a low feeling
that makes u feel bow down
and u said u can hear the Alarm
ring Ding dong, Ding ding dong!!!!

The charm is broken, when words r spoken
Hurray!!!! here you r staring at Fear
face to face with Eyes firm open!!!

U choose to fight
with courage and delight!!!!

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