Tuesday, September 2, 2014

There I rise again!

Fighting countless dreary nights

Once again I rise with all my might
While u whispered silently to my hearts delight
Pearls of wisdom setting everything right
Invisible to my eyes yet at the centre of my sight
I wonder how you take the flight
Gauging thousand of miles afar
Reaching me in a flash of light
Twinkling like a distant star

It was a long drawn silence
Waning light of my ardent zeal
Just when I was at the threshold
You infused a  joyous current of  breeze
Rocking gently my long lost dreams

As I gaze up at the serene sky
What a relief  I heaved a sigh
Peeping through the veil of night
There I met my twinkling bright
Nothing else could ease my plight

Winning me radical higher insight

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