Friday, August 8, 2014

Shades in Grace

Colour me Blue for my dreams to come true
As Azure’s calm with fanatic hue

Tender touch of morning dew
Wild as could be my fancy grew

Cajoling breeze blossomed smile
Splendor looks hard to defy

Meadows gleam with lust of  green
Basking under sky of dreams

Mysticism of  playfulness & brazen desires
Escalate to the zenith of tumultuous fire

Winter rain calm my pain
Delusive thoughts I could refrain

Dash of courage for living high
With a splash of  thundering vibrant ride
Glorious moments of happy times
Is what keeps me dreaming high

Tending ties on reconcile
Seize the moment to realise
What to crave for - nothing seems grave
Seeking ends till u blend
little joy with little more pain
Life is rocking joyful again

Sacred treatise on cosmic plane
Galvanize aura of  Divine gain

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