Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Churning of Milk to Butter for better

 Why churning is placed so much importance in our spiritual lessons.

Definitely churning is related to purification through life battles and struggles which is stepping stone for spiritual growth.

The more one goes through challenging/ difficult situations, the more it is known that a window is opening up for proving one's virtues right and capabilities to the optimum level. Instead most of the lesser awakened souls fails the testing time and fall back upon vices and wrong deeds and earn bad Karma to incur. 

Let us take the analogy of milk and butter.

We all know how easy is to manipulate the purity of milk by adding water as the dilution of milk is not visible by naked eyes. But on the contrary, if it is duly checked then the mischief can be caught.

 However in most cases our simplicity is threatened without prior notice, and we are taken aback by the sudden attack on our integrity or purity. What i mean to say is that if one does not work on being upright, there will be innumerable instances of loosing our character under the pressure of fraudulent attempts by outside factors or sometimes our own inner weak moments can instigate if left unguarded without knowledge and awareness. 

On the other hand, butter is extracted from milk in such a Churning process with lots of patience and time that the result is worth it. This time milk is converted into butter and now if one adds water now, they can't cheat like before. The butter of its own properties becomes lighter and floats on the surface defying the fraud to happen. 

Similarly, when a person goes through all odds of life, still maintains his purity with steadfastness to life principles, then a spiritual transformation happens helping his soul to evolve and ultimately the person benefits in every way including his spiritual growth, forbearance power, compassion, truthfulness and so on .  He becomes lighter like a butter with no stress, anger or any deformities of thought process can bring him down to bottom rather he floats on the top with lightheartedness by nature. He gets rid of all vices he does not need through this churning  process and reduces the risk of contaminating his mind and soul.

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