Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Madhumita -with a joyful gaze

 Madhumita - the lady

with a twinkle in her eyes 

makes me wonder

if she is an Angel in disguise


She stands as a pillar of strength

to all those who need help

She has a golden heart 

to heal the world

in her charming ways


She is the mother of her child

instilling life with care and guide

To her parents, she is a doting daughter

always by their side 

A loving wife to her beloved's pride

She carries herself dignified


To a friend she is ever present

so much that one can confide 


An inspiring teacher imparting knowledge simplified

She trains and guides with such dedication & flair

Her students become her die hard fan


Above all she holds up high

the values of principle of life

She heals the world 

with a touch of care

 to adore and praise

for others to raise

She amazed me again and again

 as a ray of hope with a joyful gaze!


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

It is natural to be Unnatural

 Who says it is not proper to be unnatural. Often we come across such extra ordinary people with outstanding merits and contribution to the world but their personal life is little less than perfect yet in some extreme cases they are so called abnormal, far away from the normality of Society.

Master Artist Van Gogh's unnatural  trait is the first instance of genius coming to my mind with off track thought process such that he committed suicide out of frustration while the world treasures his invaluable creations for hundred years past his unfortunate unnatural death.  In fact, it is the special ability of such genius to look at things differently with unique feeling or intensity so that others who could not understand or relate to them labelled such rarity as abnormal. 

I could observe such an instance of unnatural trend in Nature. While taking a walk in nature, I witnessed all the twines of a creeper are falling naturally towards ground after reaching a certain height. That is the beauty of the creeper to be grounded. Well but not all are exhibiting the same trait. Here and there, I find few twines climbing upwards reaching for the sunlight. It triggerd a curiousity in me to instrospect if nature too defies natural law universally followed but in exceptional cases.  

I was astonished to watch a sapling growing into a plant but moving parallel to the ground after gaining a little height. It sparked a thought provoking question as to what dire situation made the plant grow horizontally against the norm of growing vertically. On close inspection, I found out that the plant is placed in a pot at a corner of a balcony which is hardly getting any direct sunlight. To beat the odds, the plant desperately wants to reach out to its source of life which is the sunlight here. The earnest desire to gain nourishment made the plant defy norms and it battles all lack with courage to take up an exceptional route to growth. To some it may strike abnormal growth while those who can value valour will be able to identify that so called abnormality is actually an extra ordinary trait to stand out from the rest. 

Same applies to us when we label abnormality to some traits in people who defy norms. It is the callous way of society to deal with exceptional traits with stamp of rejection whoever are not following the general masses. 

I could relate to rare few who are silently carrying on a mission but the world is oblivious of their progress and may target such genius with mockery of being invisible. When the right time comes, the world is stunned by their masterpieces. Such is the vigour of being an exception,  courage to be different and original. This is the origin of originality- to follow your instinct irrespective what sounds natural or normal. No matter what people say or how they treat you, maintain your originality not just to stand out of the crowd but to set an outstanding example.

Matching the dots

                    Life is like a puzzle which we need to solve within given life span. In life there are many similar dots to match. But they are scattered and strayed away. 

                     To begin with, go for the most easiest and simplest dots to match, which are very close and direct. Like some tasks in life are independent of other life decisions. A good example can be getting up early in the morning, say 5 o'clock. It doesn't interfere with other tasks. Yes, to facilitate it, one needs to go to bed early the night before.

                    Secondly, go for the dots which are the furthest apart and can be matched without interrupting the path of other dots, as they can be joined on the periphery or border line. One can proceed to join these long distance dots like long term life-decisions, such as career goals - to be an artist or musician or architect, etc.

                    Then comes those dots which are placed such that it demarcates other scattered dots in different zones so that after joining these dots the other cluttered dots can somehow be restrained into typical zones. It helps in clearing out paths to be taken for further matches. Once such demarcating dots are matched, the other zoned out dots can be easily matched, and hence all the dots can be fixed. Examples of such demarcating dots can be life tasks which ease out other goals like studies and learning and other life-enhancing skills: dieting, social skills, hobbies, which further support other goals.

The "How" factor introspection

             In our daily life, the very first question which often comes to mind is What or Why but if you notice intently How is also one of the crucial questions which pops out strongly as well.

             We may examine this both at micro and macro level. 

            Suppose we are to examine the efficiency of two people competing in a particular task, then it is significant to register how the task is completed to gauge the efficiency and mark the difference between the the two competitors. 

             It is said that even if  some aspects of life that are predestined, still we do have some say in our life's journey specially with the kind of character or aptitude we exhibit. Here comes the role of the "How" factor that decides no matter what life throws at us, it is our character building aptitude towards life that determines how we handle the situation may it a challenge or a crisis. So on micro level, every individual is deciding his life journey besides outside factors through one's ability as to how one is handling the situation no matter what comes upon in life with a sudden twist. 

            On macro level, we may say, that the Universe is always listening to us and the way we send out our intentions with the type of frequency in terms of intensity of the intention, the law of nature reciprocates. It can be tested in times of crisis if we pray and ask the Universe for a favour then we are likely to see miracles happening provided we have immense faith on the Universe to make it happen. So mostly the faith is shaken with doubts cropping in our mind about what if it fails. This little skepticism also stirs the vibration we are sending in our prayers or manifestation process. It seems to dilute the intensity of our wishes to be true. The key to success in manifestation is to surrender with faith that whatever comes is for good as it eventually will lead to ultimate wish we asked for in a better version. Having that kind of faith can stimulate miracles to happen where we don't question the process which involves how it is to happen. If we can surrender this quest of how, then our wishes are reaching with highest frequency matching the universal frequency to make it happen. 

            In conclusion, we find that in some aspect of life like destiny the "How" factor is to be highlighted while in other case like manifestation, the "How" factor is to be dropped or surrendered.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Sri Leela

An awe inspiring festive mood sets the stage 

of  Divine play with the emergence of Sri Sri's grace 

Lord Jagannath's famous Rath yatra 

symbolic of great celebration and joy

amidst devotees experiencing divine bliss

what the Holy ceremony is meant for


Once Celebration begins across the place

know that Lord's leela (game) is at play 

Lord Krishna pulling the chariot himself

is witnessed in the form of param pujyaniya Gurudev 

Sri Sri appearing all over doing the same as Divine himself 


Once the witness is witnessed, what remains is pure Bliss!

Lord has shown us the way to liberation through 

living masters as Sri Sri  

The barren land beneath, full of gross stones & the filthy mud of ignorance

turns to love-filled flowers with the touch of the enlightened Master

All those earth bound souls are liberated through His grace

as the deserving ones take flight to freedom in open space

-away from the maddening race 


Glory to Lord, glory to His lordship

such a mesmerising masterpiece is a testimony to his worship



श्री लीला

 श्री लीला 


सृष्टी के कण कण मे जाग उठी आनंद लहरी मेला 

जब प्रभु स्वयं रचाएँ  अपनी अंतहीन अनमोल लीला 

 हर रूप में  हरी मेरे , कभी श्री श्री सा गुरु मेरे 

मधुर धुन में लहराके, खुद ही  ले चले रथ को सवार के


जीवन के हर डगर पे गुरुदेव  ने मार्ग दर्शन कराया

हरी के नाम से जीवन को प्रफुल्ल उत्साह सा सवारां 

ज्ञान सागर के प्याले से अमृत रस चखाया 

श्री चरणों के पावन  स्पर्श से  अज्ञानता  के पत्थरों  को 

प्रेमरूपी  फूलों से पिघलाया 


हरी गुण गान में रत  भक्त जन भक्ति रस में डूबे 

 झूमते हुए परम आनंद के  गुलाल से आकाश में रंग बिखेरते हुए 

शून्यता को  पूर्णता से भरते हुए का अनुभव लिए

प्रभु केअपार कृपा के महिमा का मनमोहक दृश्य के साक्षी बने 

जो गुरु कृपा के सौभाग्य को  प्राप्त कर पाएँ 

उनका जीवन आज़ाद पंछी सा खुली आसमान में उड़ान ले पाएँ 

श्री प्रभु की  अलौकिक लीला अनमोल हैं

यह जीवन उनके श्री चरणों में समर्पण हैं

Credit: Painting by Artist Sudipto Dey


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Diamonds deep within

At times, life throws such murky situations wherein we get stuck and wonder why me? 

There seems to be no possible way out. Still life teaches us to move on and still see the wonders of life that is within and around.

As a creative person, I have always struggled to fit into this "the worldly world".  In fact Utopian thoughts made me a poet and now being aware of such traits, I wisely adapt to situations that need my attention and care. 

Not everybody's reality of happiness match the ideal benchmark. Neither one should justify or bother to give explanations for such personal call. 

Many a times I have pondered that truth is much beyond reasons or formulae to fit in. One such example appeared to me when it was a matter of career journey of my son. I could relate his course of life if he had gone for stereo type that most of us go for to get best in best possible time to settle in life. Instead I encouraged him to honor his heart and go for Music, yes tough but soulful. Undeniably essential in our lives.

 Whole life I have been following the noblest ways to be good daughter, good student, good wife, good employee and good mother. In the whole journey of being good to others, I lost my essence of being original to myself. Rather than moving with poise to take time in taking decisions, I was also in a hurry   like the rest, to set my life into the best possible way to settle, getting good grades, timely job, find  a true soul mate and a child in time. Everything happened by God's grace the way I stipulated, only that much later in life, after these accomplishments I felt empty. Weird is not it?  Now when time has been so complacent to you, suddenly you feel mistaken. Something went wrong somewhere. And to figure out that my whole life went in a very topsy turvy manner, out of control , very unpredictable and dangerous. Yes dangerous cause I started to dare. To tread the path untravelled. Uncertainity has its own trigger points of anxiety and depression but it gives me the highs of feeling lively, essentially meaningful and at peace. 

I am at a point of life where uncertainity is at its peak, I have no idea how and where will be my next few months. My husband being posted abroad and my son trying to resettle in India, in a way I have contained myself between these two poles of my lifelines. This time I am maintaining space and honour for myself as well not to get into the ditch I fell into by becoming the so called ideal one. I have stopped looking for perfection nor do I judge others through any lens of  idealism. We all can be perfect in our own eyes without fitting into noblest ways of perfection. There is a doldrum of choices we make given too many choices. Whatever ways may seem to be coming for our well being, we go for it and then take a turn to make things happen the best possible way. This is how the game of life moves on. Whether we win or the other team wins is immaterial as long as the game is interesting. Life can be interesting but not necessarily ideal. I have learnt it and still learning. 

Coming to the point of selecting between heart or brain, we often ignore our heart and listen to our brain because for survival- reasoning is basic and essential. Heart takes a second seat till a moment comes when we start feeling too comfortabe to a point that comfort becomes boring and heart gets its chance to speak and acted upon. 

I cited an example to my son about how our decisions matter in long run when we see the bigger picture. I could visualise the scenario like this. Every youth is gearing towards their career path coupled with educational qualification, hard work and right techniques to succeed like practical aspects to function in the world. All these techniques are learnt mostly in the early years of life, then we usually get into patterns to follow or stereotypes. One such stereotype notion is to get settled as early as possible, leading to calculated paths of  faster success which obviously throws out the creative line as an option for a living. For those who go for it, are not only daring but also have given their soul a first priority than survival instinct. 

Suppose we run for steel which is the most commonly used metal in our daily lives. Its quite obvious and easy to get it, reasonable too. So the crowd is going for steel a very easy to get metal. Also because it is found on the surface level. The path is known and standard is already set for how useful it can be. There is no discovery, no adventure, but the success story is 100 % achievable. But for silver or costlier metal like gold, extra efforts need to be taken, plus the time invested. Creativity is like diamond, its hidden deep underneath many layers, and since rare, not many have also ventured for its discovery, so the path is quite unknown to many. Deeper the knowledge, higher the value. Not only to reach such depth, one needs courage, patience and determination besides indepth knowledge, techniques and incessant passion to go for it. Once one can fathom the true call which is again a life journey, one needs to instill immense faith on self & Almighty to make destinty its own. To stay stationed at a juncture of life where on the surface it seems fruitless to put further efforts because we don't get to see the immediate result, but mind it all trees does not bear the same fruits. Some fruits do take more time than others to nurture and grow. The longer time the valuable the fruit becomes at some cases. Essentially,  care should not be missing irrespective how much time it takes to grow and bloom. Creativity might not pay great in terms of livelihood but it does those magic which a doctor may not heal where science fails and miracles happen. Soulful journeys should not be discouraged for the sake of livelihood. In the process of nurturing our children, we are misguiding towards a gloomier future of soul less journey.

Today I am a proud mother of a creative son who might take his time to establish in the crowd of hustle bustle but his insight and talent is no match to what he has to bear for his sacrifices of not selecting the trend.